Our body movement is reflective of our inner world

Centripetal Force Studio


Outstanding master of her craft; Erika embodies transformation through stable, positive feedback and empowering encouragement. Working with Erika Budriunas for 4.5 years, she’s instilled my confidence with her amazing knowledge in Pilates, gyro-tonics, and diverse training methods. Her friendly, relaxed energy creates an astonishing comfortable atmosphere. Erika’s creative, distinct methods have challenged me to improve my [...]
After practicing massage therapy and energy work for 10 years I have found it more difficult to find a therapist that is completely in tune and attuned to not only the body but the energetic field as well. Cyndee is the therapist I have unknowingly been searching for. After two sessions of Cranial Sacral therapy I felt my spirit and physical body shift in ways I can not fully describe, subtle, permanent transformations, release of [...]
Working with Gina to better understand my core/emotional connection has been a completely profound experience. As someone who has always strived to be self-aware, present and physically strong and healthy, understanding my archetypes and their ultimate physical connection to my body and spirit feels like the last piece of the puzzle. Her program has helped me in ways both big and small and I have found the work to be inspiring, [...]

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