Get Restored

RE-CONNECT TO YOUR BODY. GET TUNED-UP. FEEL FANTASTIC Recover from surgery, Prevent injury, Heal from injuries, Connect to You, Get the most out of your workouts, Heal from chronic pain & illness

Rebuild Your Foundation

A stronger focus on physical therapy, combined with some energetic therapy. Life has most certainly occurred and you need to unravel the old you and rebuild a new one, from the inside out.


Whether your baby is a newborn or twenty years old, this program is for you. We teach you how to re-connect with the core of your new self; physically, the deep layer of the abdominals and the pelvic floor while emotionally, the stressors of daily motherhood. The core connection is important to stabilize the spine and give you the support you need to be a mother. We designed this program to educate a mother about her feminine body and strengthen it after the delivery, which is so important for the integrity of the pelvic floor to avoid back problems, incontinence and a prolapsed uterus over the years. Take care of your body, it’s the only one you have. 

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We are located in Long Beach, CA

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