Centripetal Force has big hopes and dreams to have an influence on healthcare insurance companies to support the emotional / energetic component to physical pain. In the near future we hope to see energetic bodywork, Pilates, GYROTONIC® method and health club memberships included on insurance plans. The more positive client testimonials we have, the more we can present in hopes of change. It’s a two way street between the client and the healthcare practitioner. We want to teach the client how to be responsible for his or her own body; to know how to listen to it, connect their emotional and physical body by explaining what they are
feeling inside. On the other hand, we need physicians to listen to their clients with empathy and prescribe more physical therapy or body movement, even psychology if needed. If the client complies with being healthy, learning about their body and doing exercises, then physicians will not have to overuse medication, injections and surgical procedures. The client has to listen to the practitioner as much as the practitioner needs to listen to the client, both having pride in their work and in themselves. When both have done this, everyone will benefit and the healthcare system will be more efficient.