29 April 2014 In Physical Therapy


The GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® was intuitively designed by Romanian professional dancer, Juliu Horvath to help relieve the chronic pain he suffered from injuries. GYROTONIC® method is a combination of Dance, Yoga, Swimming, and Tai Chi producing the system’s unique three-dimensional approach and fluid movement. The method systematically teaches gentle and repetitive circling, spiraling and undulating exercises, which simultaneously stretch, strengthen and elongate muscles while decompressing joints. The methods' specific attention to breath also assists the body's regenerative capacity and opens energetic pathways, increasing blood flow, oxygenation and promoting neuromuscular rejuvenation. Each exercise emphasizes energetic opposition helping to improve internal balance and support. Through constant ebb-and-flow and push-and-pull of the exercises, the connective tissues are massaged increasing range of motion in the body.


physical therapy gyrotonic

Juliu Horvath, creator of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®

 GYROTONIC®  &  GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® is a registered trademark of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and is used with their permission.


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