Gina Calderone, MPT, physical therapist, offers various education in Physioenergetic Therapy, a hands-on protocol to reverse the physiological effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in body, and Physioenergetic Anatomy, a tool to detecting the generational and emotional root of life-threatening experiences triggering a life-threatening cycle of pain, disorder and disease.

She offers these training sessions in workshops, webinars and classes. The Physioenergetic Therapy classes are geared toward hands-on healthcare practitioners in physical therapy, nursing and medical massage therapy. And, the Physioenergetic Anatomy classes are aimed toward people on the frontlines of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and intergenerational trauma including social workers, psychotherapists, youth education specialists, addiction treatment specialists, and restorative justice.

Below is a brief overview.


The ANS is known in eastern philosophies as the energy system or chi driven by a complex network of stored life experiences, sensations, thoughts, beliefs, generational programming, injuries including neglect, poverty, and war wounds for survival. The landscape of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) mainly developed in childhood is a complex network of electricity, programs like algorithms and neural hubs like small brains, also known as energy centers governing certain organ and hormonal systems with varying frequencies to transmit, broadcast, receive and connect information internally and externally to maintain health, safety and survival.

Physioenergetic Anatomy developed by Gina Calderone, MPT, is an emotional map of the physical body involving the energy centers starting from the sacrum at the base of the spine and ascending toward the crown. She uses this emotional map to chart a course for detecting and uncovering invisible wounds in the body and the roots of trauma in the family. The body does not lie. The deficiency or hyperactivity of energy in certain centers of the body can lead to sleep disruptions, hypervigilance, sensory issues, fogginess, respiratory, urinary, sexual, digestive, behavioral, mood, learning and intimacy problems. One of the goals of treatment is to identify the imbalances triggered by past trauma or injury.

Each center or neural hub along the spine is headquarters for particular organ systems. The pelvis at the base of the spine powers sexual, reproduction, urination and waste disposal systems. And, the gut energy center governs digestion that metabolizes food into power while the heart energy center behind the breast bone pumps circulation, matters of heart, and lungs to metabolize oxygen for breathing. This is a particularly powerful center as breathing is an autonomic nervous system function that can be manually controlled to shift from the sympathetic branch of the ANS known as fight-flight-freeze to the parasympathetic ANS known as rest-digest and repair. Breathwork is vital to retuning energy centers to balance and calm the ANS.



Physioenergetic Therapy treats and reverses the physiological effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and intergenerational trauma at the root of chronic pain, skeletal fractures, addiction, autoimmune disorders, mental disorders and more life-threatening diseases such as cancer.

Gina Calderone, MPT, a renowned physical therapist, developed, researched and applied this integrative method of physical therapy to repair the musculoskeletal system combined with hands-on energetic techniques to reset the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Past trauma hijacks the ANS into a constant state of threat and toxic stress that triggers the body into behaving as if the trauma is still happening, which overtime erodes physical and mental health. Using this innovative non-drug ACEs protocol, she has healed pain, disorders and disease in hundreds of adults, children and families over two decades in her private physical therapy practice, Centripetal Force Studio in Long Beach, California.

Physioenergetic Therapy targets the true source of the pain that is often missed in medicine because pain is numbed as a physical stimulus separated from the emotional experiences of life. The overarching goal of treatment is to detect the root experiences triggering the body to protect itself, connect the past trauma to the current pain signals to move the emotions and sensations into the past that manually restores the body to feel safe and sound in the present to heal.

The ACEs are stressful or traumatic events experienced by children before age 18 that involve violence at home, neglect, sexual abuse, divorce or having a parent with mental illness, incarceration, or substance dependence. These occur in the childhood home and unfortunately if not resolved can be repeated generation after generation.

Past trauma can often go undetected, invisibly altering the trajectory of a child’s health, learning, behavior, performance in sports, and overall ability to thrive in life, ultimately derailing adulthood. Childhood trauma ignites hyperactive energetic behaviors including impulsivity, panic and anxiety as well as deficient energetic behaviors such as depression, exhaustion and self-harm that can be restored without medication.

There are two branches of the ANS: the sympathetic response known as fight-flight-freeze that elevates heart, respiratory, hormones, sensory and circulation activity to bolster the body to survive a life-threatening experience and the parasympathetic that calms these organ systems to rest-digest and repair. Physioenergetic Therapy rehabilitates the ANS stuck in fight-flight and freeze and mentally spinning to restore calm, balance and overall feeling of safety that quells the incessant need to numb the pain and threat. 

Physioenergetic Therapy is ideal for treating physical and emotional pain in children, adults and families suffering from:

  • Chronic Pain – back, neck, pelvic, migraines
  • Skeletal fractures – broken bones and injuries
  • ADHD/hypersensitivity/hyperkinetic body
  • Asthma
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Suicidality
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Obesity/Eating Disorders
  • Addiction
  • Cancer Pain

From our first breath, humans are hard-wired to connect but childhood trauma unfortunately disrupts those circuits leading to isolation and disconnection. The goal of rehabilitation is to ease the body out of its protective posture and behaviors to empower the brain and core connection. When the body is restored to rest-digest and repair, the person can begin to feel light and alive making healthy choices that nourish their body, create relationships that enhance their lives, and embark on a purpose-filled path of hope, pride and courage in becoming a valuable, viable thriving member of their family and community.


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Hear Gina’s live interview on KPFK Pacifica Radio for Los Angeles - 90.7FM- on the show called Transforming Consciousness, where she talks about Healing Generational Wounds in The Body.

Click to Hear Part 1 of the interview  

Click to Hear Part 2 of the interview



Meet Gina Calderone | Physical Therapist




We had the good fortune of connecting with Gina Calderone and we’ve shared our conversation below.

 You can also read ShoutoutLA’s article directly in the following link:

Hi Gina, is your business focused on helping the community? If so, how?

Gina Calderone, MPT, physical therapist and founder of the Empowered Health Foundation, has treated hundreds of children, adults, and families with multiple diseases and disorders that are deep-seated in childhood trauma at Centripetal Force Studio® in Southern California over the last 18 years. She detects and heals the emotional and generational roots of pain, injury, disease and disorders that often repeat generation after generation. Her pioneering work with Adverse Childhood Experiences led to inventing Physioenergetic Therapy™, a unique solution that combines intensive investigation of life experiences and physical rehabilitation to restore the autonomic nervous system and biomechanics disrupted by the unresolved trauma and toxic grief stored in the body.

She’s focusing on building a research center that will join together an integrative team practicing an innovative method of physical therapy to reverse the physiological effects of ACEs at the root of skeletal fractures, chronic pain, ADHD, depression, addiction, autoimmune disorders, and more life-threatening diseases such as cancer . This new method, Physioenergetic Therapy, unites physical therapy to rehabilitate the traumatized body with measuring and restoring the energetic frequency of emotion that can be hyperactive or deficient.

The goal of the research center is to establish a central hub for children, adults and families to receive a multi-dimensional approach to treat physical and emotional pain to reenergize health, balance and purpose.

This healing center will serve as a beacon of evidence-based research to power a new future for health care through clinical research, education, and outreach training of healthcare practitioners, school/extracurricular educators, and justice system advocates on the frontlines of childhood trauma recovery.




Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?

I’m the person people call when they’ve exhausted the traditional healthcare model as well as dabbled in the alternative therapy world with little to no success healing the pain in their body. The initial conversation is typically about how they’ve done physical therapy, seen multiple doctors, tried acupuncture, injections cease to work and they refuse to take pain medication and avoiding surgery. They’re exhausted because they don’t sleep well, gained weight from a lack of exercise and talked to a therapist for years. Unfortunately, they feel like they are falling apart and they are confused why a friend has referred them to another physical therapist.

“She’s different,” they were told.

I explain to them “I am a physical therapist with a twist!” I have a completely different approach to treating pain in the body.

I help people understand the emotional root underlying their physical pain. We go through a person’s life experiences as well as their generational history that has most likely altered the physiology of their body. This is when they tell me that their mother just passed away, they got divorced last year and their dog is sick. These are heavy milestones of grief in life we carry and when we don’t clear it from the body the deep unresolved pain and trauma in the body it stays within us and manifests into physical pain, illness and disease.

For the past eighteen years, I’ve listened to people desperately pleading for a solution or a miracle to get out of their pain. For some, it’s sad because it’s the end of the road. I work with patients who have cancer and I use the same process of uncovering the total body pain. Some people completely turn their lives around with a different perspective, other’s connect with their life’s purpose while most peacefully transition and transcend to the afterlife. The work I do is special, I feel honored and blessed to be a witness during the sunset time of someone’s life.

I’ve spent years conditioning a new generation to find value in understanding your feelings and how to express your emotions in your body while teaching adults the importance of releasing toxic stress from childhood or after a divorce or death of a parent. Spiritual chaos is diagnosis I use often in my practice. When we can center ourselves and plug into the power of our emotions and our body we will find ourselves feeling good and loving our lives. Pain vanishes because it has no reason for it anymore, it doesn’t have to hide in your body any longer. You’re free!

Physical therapists go to school to learn how to treat pain in the body. If you really pay attention to your client they will always tell you what’s troubling them, you just have to listen. I am more than a healthcare professional, I became a healer and we need more healers in the healthcare system.

It’s going to take a major shift in healthcare to incorporate the emotional and physical bodies into academia, hospitals, clinician and medical offices. However, I’m hopeful and believe the younger generations are ready for this transformation and I’m doing everything I can to be on the frontlines of this movement.



Who else deserves some credit and recognition?

There are multiple people to thank for this beautiful journey of helping and servicing humanity. First, I have to thank my husband, Joel. He has worked so hard to support our family while I pursue my passion and dreams. This situation has caused an insurmountable load of stress on my husband, but I know at his core he believes in me and my determination and conviction to put healing in healthcare. Through me he feels he’s doing what he can for the world. It’s a beautiful thing.

I have an intelligent and strong group of woman who help me stay focused on building this dream and others who’ve helped along the way. Roslyn Blake, Jaclyn Munzer, Elissa Ennis, Sara Gonzales, Denise Carson, Rachel Cruz, Dana Frank, Erika Morgan, Maria Ines Llodra and Megan Tagliaferri. I’m grateful for these powerful women, their guidance, love, encouragement and support means everything when you’re walking the road less travelled.

Lastly, I’d like to thank John and Jan Doyle and The Belmont Athletic Club. They welcomed me like family and built me a space in the front window of their health club. I started a cash pay physical therapy business at a time when it was unheard of and with the loving support of the staff…we made it happen. I created a method and a treatment to heal childhood trauma and adverse childhood experiences stuck in the physical body.

I’m forever grateful and excited to integrate my method into the western medical model one day. To teach up and coming healthcare professionals how to recognize emotions through other’s life experiences and how they can empower their clients and patients to thrive in life.



cfs voya

Conversations with the Inspiring Gina Calderone

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Today we’d like to introduce you to Gina Calderone.

Gina, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
More than 15 years ago, I started in traditional physical therapy primarily treating a high volume of patients with musculoskeletal pain in a busy orthopedic clinic. Early on, I recognized that the feelings of pain experienced by my patients outweighed the diagnosis. When I used massage and hands-on soft-tissue mobilization to unravel their tense muscles, stories of unresolved trauma and grief came up. Their body stories showed me, people in physical pain are in emotional pain. They also guided me to the understanding that people craved good touch and connection. At the time, I was teaching Pilates privately outside of the clinic. I noticed how people were more invested in taking the time to do the work to restore their bodies instead of this fix-me attitude pervasive in the clinic. I sensed unearthing emotional pain in the body would require a different atmosphere, attitude and touch. Time to listen to my patients was vital. I decided to start a cash-pay physical therapy practice, Centripetal Force Studio, inside a private health club. People with chronic pain kept walking through my door. They had been through the merry-go-round of failed pain medications, pain management procedures, and surgeries. Together, we unraveled the emotional root of physical pain in their bodies. They, like me, were intrigued with how their memories of trauma invaded the muscles and joints with constant signals of threat that activated the body to tighten inward in a closed-fetal stance and movements to protect itself. I realized the time had come to go beyond the musculoskeletal pain. I delved into the emotional system of the body—energy anatomy and energy medicine that involves hands-on treatment to balance heighten or depleted frequencies and patterns of pain and disease in the body. I hung up my white coat and dove into becoming the body detective healing puzzling pain that has now led me into diagnoses such as cancer and addiction. The key is finding the emotional and generational root, the invisible wound.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome? Any advice for other women, particularly young women who are just starting their journey?
No, it hasn’t been a smooth road at all. There were sacrifices, I strained my marriage by investing so much time and money in this business because I believed I was getting to the root of people’s pain. My husband saw it too, but he continued to work hard to provide for our family while I continued to run my studio that became my research lab. With this newfound knowledge of the body, I couldn’t go back to being a traditional PT. I would’ve lost my soul. I had to keep investigating chronic pain and how to get people out of it. The challenges at the beginning of my practice were that people didn’t understand why they would pay cash for physical therapy when they had insurance benefits. Word on the street was I could get them out of pain, but they would have to pay out of pocket. It’s a mindset we have to crush because we are stuck in an outdated healthcare model that focuses on numbing the symptoms of the pain while ignoring how emotional life experiences are affecting the body. Patients would see the traditional PT and still come back to see me. That back and forth changed when I would uncover the emotional root and implement energy therapy. At the time, I had no idea I was creating my own lane of healthcare. I was just subjectively listening to my patients and allowing them the space to process the emotions through their body while reconnecting back to the core of who they are physically and spiritually.

My advice to young women starting a career in the healing arts is to take the time and do your healing work first. Dig into your shadows and find your hurts. When you are able to heal your pain, it’s much easier to connect with others from a place of empathy and hold the space for people to heal. Secondly, don’t be afraid to ask the tough questions, ask if anyone has ever hurt them or their body and if they reflexively say “no”, ask again. Use your gut instincts to connect with others, if you feel “foul-play” in their body and energy field, hold the intention, confidence for the healing to transpire while also having the patience for it to surface. It’s pure magic.

What should we know about Centripetal Force Studio? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
I specialize in chronic pain, ADD, autism, addiction, and cancer. I treat them as energetic disorders – hyperactive or deficient patterns or frequencies in the communication system of the body. These diagnoses are physical but there is an emotional and generational root. Once the root is found, I reconnect the core and rebuild the body using Pilates and Gyrotonic methods. I welcome complex and mystery patient cases. I don’t believe in pain management, I deeply feel we are all meant to heal in this lifetime. Our body will expose what our mind can’t process and it builds patterns originated from negative emotions and energy, which manifest into accidents, physical symptoms, pain, illness, and disease. Many of these patterns, I observed, are in the bloodlines and behaviors are learned causing many of the same diagnoses in our children and the generations after. If we choose to numb instead of healing our pain, it’s passed on to our children and they are responsible for sifting back through the generational lines to investigate the legacy of traumas and hurts.

I’m proud that I pioneered a path for people to heal using Physical + Energetic Therapy. My body can rest now knowing that people have a place to go and heal after their bodies have been sexually violated, neglected, physically and emotionally abused. There is a place and team of people who believe children with autism are our emotional compasses, the child with ADD is actually the shock absorber of the family and most of all that we can heal cancer and addiction when we eliminate the “fix-me” mentality and instead focus on the work to transform the body in crisis for not just the patient, but the entire family and their home. You cannot heal in the house where you became sick. It’s the only way we will connect again, repair our homes, build our communities and elevate our world.

What do you feel are the biggest barriers today to female leadership, in your industry or generally?
I believe the biggest barrier is women coming forward in healthcare leadership roles using their feminine energy to open up the conversation about how vital it is for healthcare practitioners to use their instincts and ask the hard questions about someone’s life when they are suffering in pain and nothing else is working. Women in leadership need to bring their hearts into the game and love hard. People need more than medicine, they need love and it’s tough to give love without some hard ass trying to stomp it.

I do believe women are on their way to leading this Healership. Our nation is in a great deal of pain and we need love. The mother wound is at an all-time high and we are starving for loving touch we can trust.

You can also read VoyageLA’s article in this link: 








Elevated Energy Class

Small Group Elevated Energy - A 75 minute class dedicated to plugging you back in to yourself. You will identify what is holding you back from feeling your emotional and physical best and then you will work through those blocks with movement and meditation. This class is a combination of high intensity, detoxifying movements and low impact, restorative movements. Come and move out the heaviness so that you can spread your light!!

adult energy classes

Elevated Energy Cleanse

Looking to feel fresher, lighter and brighter? Erika's Elevated Energy Cleanse is wonderful for anyone who could use a reset. You’ll rethink engrained habits, learn to really listen to yourself and your body, and pick up some delicious new recipes! Come chat with Erika and get elevated.

Elevated Energy Cleanse

To restore the body and health, the treatment occurs in four phases: unravel, connect, build and thrive. This process helps the patient make the connections between their emotional experiences and their body-energy anatomy.

our process is to unravel, connect, build and thrive

process big


At CFS, we offer exciting events & lectures to help keep you centered, balanced, rejuvenated and elevated!


Special Events

Come join us for a variety of special events created by Centripetal Force Studio to foster a centered body & mind, a rejuvenated energy and an elevated spirit!

special events

Uprising Retreat

Healing Generational Wounds in the Body

Join us this Fall under the redwoods in the tranquil stone and glass sanctuary atop the symphonic shores of the Pacific Ocean, where we will guide you into your body and life review to excavate the roots of pain, disease and addiction haunting you and members of your family. You can rise up to be the hero of your family.

In this safe place, you will transform your pain into super power. The time has come to heal invisible wounds in you. The healing gains more power when two or more family members gather. Are you a mother in so much pain that now your son or daughter carries this burden for you? Or are you your mother’s keeper of pain? Do you need to shed the skin of pain worn when your father left? Beneath the skin, we will go.

At this Uprising, you will cross the threshold to a reunion with your guardians and antagonists holding the wisdom to lift you and your family out of this plague of trauma, grief, anxiety and depression. Healing your generational wounds empowers you with your greatest gifts to bestow on your family and the world.

  •  Pain is the wake-up call to purpose.
  • Your body is the map to transforming your pain into power.
  •  Turn your victim story into a hero story.
  •  Forgive – shift toxic anger, hurt and grief of the past into clarity, understanding and passion.
  •  Go deep into your body to investigate and/or revisit the root story of your family’s pain.
  •  We inherit our parents’ pain – understanding their story liberates us from transmitting it.
  •  Lift the remains of heartbreak draining your body to revitalize connections, intimacy and health.
  •  Reconnect in sprit with lost parents and family members to feel their love and receive wisdom.


Tuesday, October 15th 5:30-7:30pm
Wayfarer’s Chapel
5755 Palos Verdes Dr S
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275

Spiritual Guidance: Gina Calderone
Live Music: Essie Jain Glynn & Patrick Glynn
Movement Therapy: Erika Budriunas

Please bring a journal, yoga mat and dress warm.

Uprising retreat October

Energy Therapy Night

Come rebalance your energy fields so you can feel cleansed, centered and rejuvenated. No charges, no fees. Your presence is a gift to yourself!

Energy Therapy Night

Braincore Clinic

Join us for our seasonal Braincore Clinics where we physically assess your child’s posture, core strength, coordination, balance and other motor skills to prepare them for academic success! We believe body homework is crucial for them to fully thrive, so they will take home invaluable information that they can continue to apply in their everyday lives!  Sponsored by our sister organization, the Empowered Health Foundation.

Special Events Braincore Clinic

Guest Lectures- Let's get together and chat!

Topics include:

  • Energy Anatomy
  • Archetypes
  • Emotions & The Body
  • Pelvic Health
  • Vestibular Health
  • The Energy Body & Addiction
  • The Energy Body & Autism
  • The Energy Body & Cancer
Table Setting where Guest Lectures take place

Elevated Kids- Attention boys and girls! We have a class for you that teaches you about emotions and how it transfers as energy in the body. What makes you happy? What makes you sad? And then we embody it with physical movement. Age Groups: 6-8 years old, 9-11 years old

Elevated Girl/Boy Scouts- Got a meeting? We can empower your group!

Elevated Teens- We think important to know who we are at this age, how to use your voice and stay in your power amidst the chaos. We write, we move, we find stillness. It’s a body-mind thing. Age 12-14 years old

elevated kids



I loved having Lindy participate in this and I could tell she really loved it too! She said she wanted to share her journal with me, so we went to dinner just the two of us and it was so cool to see her recognize her emotions and process through them. I loved hearing her share what she feels she needs support in and I have already begun acting on those. I'm so grateful for the time you invested in Lindy. I would love to enroll her in anything else you plan to do in the future!

– Elevated Kids Mom

Thank you so much for everything! Natalia is doing awesome! I can really see a shift in her self-confidence. I see it in how she speaks about herself, how she is carrying herself and I noticed that her commitment to caring for herself is much stronger. Yay!! She is waking up to do her stretching and meditations every day without me having to remind her.

– Elevated Teen Mom

Mr Mike has helped me get physically stronger by teaching me balance and strength exercises and also mentally stronger by meditation. I definitely understand my emotions better. Take anger for example. We talk about that, what it is and why it comes to us. He taught me things to do when different emotions pop up. I give Mr Mike 5 Stars! (Out of five)

-Emmett, age 10

When we first heard C Force studio had a class for boys we immediately thought of our son. He’s a sensitive kid, and we want to empower him to not only understand his emotions but also value them. Over the course of the class, our son learned the power of our emotions, and the connection to our bodies. He loved sharing what he learned about meditation and balance. We saw a near instant positive effect; he was exuding gratitude. So much so we caught ourselves glancing at one another as if to say “who is this kid?!” It rubbed off on the whole family! We also saw his minor tic cease. It would sometimes pop up during times of stress. He found the peace within himself when stressed at school. His ability to communicate his feelings has been a tremendous help as well. He’s able to illustrate, through words, how he’s feeling. We can then work with him - and revisit lessons with Mr. Mike - to address any negative feelings.

I believe that Mike taught him to harness the power he already has, within himself and for himself.

We are forever grateful for Mike, his positive energy he puts into the kids will help change the world.

-Angie, Elevated Boys Mom

Archetype: a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought or image universally present in individual psyches.

What’s your psyche holding? Which archetype do you identify with?

Join a Soul Circle class to find out and free your body of the mental thoughts and experiences that are calling to be realized and ultimately expressed.

At CFS we offer a variety of Soul Circle classes tailored for you. Read below and explore which one is better suited for you!



We have distinct patterns in our lives that eventually stop serving us and disable our potential. Discover these patterns and how they connect to your physical body. Whether you feel stuck or complacent, you have a disease or no disease, pain or no pain, this course will give you valuable insight into the core of your life. We will look into each archetype and behavior and identify its emotional root.

soul circle


Understand your patterns, what you like and which direction to turn in life to reach your highest potential. Find insight to major blockages to empower yourself to feel confident and pursue a life you love!

MNN Email


We created this masculine circle to make it a little easier for your husband, boyfriend, fiancé or partner to recognize his emotions and how they transform into energy in the body and mind.

Click to Read our Testimonials
men circle


An archetype is a universal pattern of power. Choose your patterns while your partner chooses their own. When you place them into twelve parts of your life it tells your story. Mix both patterns and it tells your relationship story. Try it- it’s fun!

Click to Read our Testimonials
Date Night Soul Circle


A person can be addicted to an activity, habit, or substance. Come learn the patterns that circulate your energetic field. Let’s cut the shadows and embrace the wisdom you’re hiding.



Attention TEENS! Get to know who you are, where you fit in and what makes you happy! Discover the world of archetypes and what makes you, YOU!

Age group: 13-15 & 16-18

TEEN Facebook


Men’s Soul Circle:

I am glad to have been a part of this unique experience. As you probably could imagine, I was reluctant to participate in Soul Circle after initially hearing about it. Fortunately, my wife is stubborn and she convinced me to go. If I wasn't going to attend for myself at least I needed to participate for her. I discovered a lot about myself, such as what inhibits me from making the needed steps to move forward. I am beginning to realize the origin of the fears that I have placed in my life; and how I use fear to protect myself from certain realities. I've come to the understanding that the only way I can truly embrace life is to embrace reality (no matter the difficulties it may bring). These deep fears were not being revealed to me through my faith in God alone.

Thank you for creating a space and an outlet to project these feelings. I'm grateful to have persevered and completed the 12 months. I am a better man for it.

-Ryan, 34

The Soul Circle has been a transformational experience that I will never forget. Walking into class I realized what a Motley Crue of gentlemen Gina had gathered up. From the outside, it looked as though it was an AA meeting: suits, tattoos, squares, salesman and construction workers all sitting there, all unconscious to the truth we were about to unveil. But, as the truth of our archetypes began to strip away the layers, it was actually a group of souls waiting for the magnet of connection to turn on from our higher powers.

In the beginning, it started slow, like little children thrown on stage to a group of adults in the audience waiting to judge and dish out their parental criticism, but once the last pebble was dislodged the ball began to roll…and roll it did. Fears, dreams, accomplishments and pain began to explode like the 4th of July. The show had begun. The group began to break away from the handcuffs this life had put us in. We shared probably more than any of us had in any place, ever. We learned about us, the real us and how we worked. Not just on a subsurface level, but we actually began to connect the dots of how and why we do what we do and how it connects to our physical self, both mentally and physically.

The Soul Circle had become the circle of souls connected through vulnerability, honesty and trust. We began to give back what we were given in order to heal. Walking in a year ago I would’ve never thought that I and we could all accomplish what we did. We grew into better, stronger, more honest versions of ourselves and we realized that it’s all part of the plan.

Being in The Soul Circle has allowed me to grow, face inner demons that were locked deep inside and heal the pain that was hardwired into my existence.

Today I can breathe; today I can feel.

-Ian, 34

Date Night Soul Circle:

My husband and I recently got married and went to a Couples Therapy Night at Centripetal Force Studio. We had heard about the amazing work that Gina and her team were doing but had never been to a session. The session had 8 couples at all different stages in their relationship and we were blown away by our experience. We continue to benefit from the knowledge that we gained from this one workshop and look forward to attending the next one!

For me, the most beneficial part of the experience was casting my energy wheel to learn why I tend to behave and react the way that I do in situations. This activity shed light on behaviors that I have been repeating throughout my life and Gina helped me learn why I have these cycles and I am now thinking through ways to change patterns that do not serve me. The wheel also taught me to love and respect my husband more. I learned the energy behind his behaviors and this lesson continues to help my perspective we are faced with a difficult situation.

This is one of many things that we learned during the session and all of the lessons continue to serve us well. We were given a lot of materials at the work shop that we continue to use. Gina recommended that we journal about our lives to dig deeper into each energy archetype and continue the growth and learning process. We still sit together and journal as often as we can and this simple exercise has helped us work through changes in our ever-growing relationship!

Overall, I can say that this one night laid a deeper, stronger, more knowledge filled foundation for our marriage. It's one that we will continue to rely on for the rest of our lives.

-Jessica Tims

We schedule by appointment only, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book your appointment.

Read our Testimonials

Learn more about our Physical & Energy Therapy

physical therapy and energy therapy sessions


At CFS our bodywork is a personally customized art form comprised of mobilizing the soft tissues to passive range of motion of the limbs to stretch muscles and lubricate joints while incorporating a deep intention to connect to you.




This process realigns your bone structure to allow the muscular portion to move with ease thereby reducing unnecessary stress. Over time you will begin to settle in to a whole new alignment and muscles which were once dormant will begin to contract. It’s truly transformational. You’ll feel like… you!




AGREEMENT AND PARTIES.  Betancourt Physical Therapy, Inc. (“Company,” “us,” “we,” or “Centripetal Force”) respects the privacy of the visitors to the Centripetal Force website (“website” or “site”).  This privacy policy (“privacy policy” or “policy”) is an agreement between Centripetal Force and you, as the user of the Centripetal Force website (“you”). This agreement tells you when this policy is effective, what information we collect from you, how we might use it, how you can review or change the personal information you provided to us, how we may change this policy, and the steps we take to ensure that your personal information is protected.


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CONTACT INFORMATION. If you have any questions or comments relating to our website or the Privacy Policy, please write, Attn: Privacy Compliance Officer, Centripetal Force Studio, 202 Argonne Ave., Ste. A, Long Beach, CA, 90803.

Do your hips hurt? Is your back tight or maybe some feet issues? This is the day in the life of a dancer. Let’s cut the drama, put your foot down, lift your spine and use your powerhouse to establish clean lines. We encourage a good postural foundation and a deep emotional knowing of yourself so you can rock that stage. 

Our hips move us forward in life. It’s when we stop and ask ourselves, “Where am I going in life?”. Then we know, plant our foot in the prints and GO. This program has this philosophy coincided with manual therapy to open the hip, core connection and understanding new movement patterns to preserve the hip. When these two concepts connect, the hip glides and rotates, enjoying it’s new home. 

Whether you have shoulder arthritis, tendinitis, impingement or a dislocation we have to biomechanically correct the faulty posture and plug into those deep stabilizer muscles. You will soon realize that your pain is not a burden, it may have just been your attitude about life. It’s okay...Your shoulder is so forgiving.

Let’s discover who you are, what you like and what makes you tick. When you understand these patterns about yourself it could be your guiding tool to your studies in college, career, good relationships or just to know a little something more about yourself. Oh...and it’s fun!


Mental Thought Patterns that Form Our Experiences

"Our body movement is reflective of our inner world." CFS

We teach you how to live inside your body. To feel your feet when they strike the ground and know which way you need to turn your foot in order to align your body and work toward being pain-free. It allows you to be conscious in your body while instinctively bringing awareness to your life. Your mind and body have connected.

We see this automatically benefit the lives of our clients by helping them make decisions that are in the best interests of their health from choosing better foods to choosing a career that suits them better.

A clearer mind helps you to expend less energy everyday and use that energy towards a life you love.

Our emotional pain chart breaks down all of your physical maladies and helps you attribute them to the root cause. Every single person who comes through our door has connected with this emotional pain chart and used it as a starting point to really dive into their depression, unsteadiness, or whatever it may be. It’s incredible how, when the mind and body connect, our clients become visibly and quickly transformed. We see this automatically benefit their lives and it’s from something very simple—we’re helping them make decisions that are in their best interests for health, whether they’re choosing better foods or choosing a career that better suits them.





BodyMind Patterns identify lifelong defensive and often unconscious behavioral, emotional, and physical responses in the musculoskeletal system that serve as protection from trauma.

When a person feels overwhelmed, out of control, and threatened in a life experience or series of experiences, the patterns become integrated with our persona as well as our posture. Once the unconscious reactions occurring in the body are connected to the mind, then the connection to past trauma becomes conscious. This intersection is where healing occurs.

Trauma posture is a defensive pattern in the body that is linked to the Survival BodyMind Patterns. Trauma posture limits the body's range of motion and emotion. To stay in a protective fetal position or trauma posture you are closing yourself off to intimacy, connection, and limiting your emotions to protection—fear, anger, and sadness as opposed to opening to joy, love, connection and intimacy. This can be observed in the Wounded Child Survival Pattern and Posture. The BodyMind Pattern Deck guides us through these patterns to bring what is currently unconscious movement and behavior to the consciousness.

Let's Start to Thrive! Heal Your Survival BodyMind Patterns

archetypal patterning chart that shines a light on the purpose and meaning of your life. Archetypes are deep unconscious patterns within us that make us who we are as individuals.

By determining your archetypes that are most active in your psyche it will help lead you to achieve greater insights into your life. We all have survival archetypes. They're the energy guides within our bodies that, combined with our personal nature and nurture, help to develop and power us in to who we are.

Archetypes are psychological patterns derived from historical roles in life, and even though they are historical and universal, they become personal when they are part of your own psyche. Our biography becomes our biology. Identifying your individual archetypes can be a challenge as you evaluate and analyze your experiences and relationships, but the payoff is invaluable. We're here to help you do that.



Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Using a soft touch to the skull, spine and pelvis, practitioners release restrictions and blockages to improve the body's natural rhythm and restore vibrant health to the central nervous system. The treatment will leave you feeling relaxed and connected.

CST is used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease. It is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction, such as headaches/migraines, chronic neck & back pain, chronic fatigue and many others.

craniosacral therapy at centripetal force studio


Pranic Healing is a form of energy therapy that utilizes prana (life-force) to balance, harmonize and transform the body's energy processes. The no-touch healing technique is based on the fundamental principles that the body is a self-repairing living entity that possesses the ability to heal itself by using natural elements to address physical and emotional imbalances. The treatment will leave you feeling cleansed and centered.




Gina is an expert practitioner and healer in the mind/body/soul connection. She has extensive knowledge of the human body having earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science from Cal State Long Beach and a Masters Degree in Physical Therapy from Western University of Health Sciences in 2002.

“Our body movement is reflective of our inner world.”  We teach you how to live inside your body. To feel your feet when they strike the ground and know which way you need to turn your foot in order to align your body and work toward being pain-free. It allows you to be conscious in your body while instinctively bringing awareness to your life. Your mind and body have connected. We see this automatically benefit the lives of our clients by helping them make decisions that are in the best interests of their health from choosing better foods to choosing a career that suits them better. A clearer mind helps you to expend less energy everyday and use that energy towards a life you love. 

Our emotional pain chart breaks down all of your physical maladies and helps you attribute them to the root cause. Every single person who comes through our door has connected with this emotional pain chart and used it as a starting point to really dive into their depression, unsteadiness, or whatever it may be. It’s incredible how, when the mind and body connect, our clients become visibly and quickly transformed. We see this automatically benefit their lives and it’s from something very simple—we’re helping them make decisions that are in their best interests for health, whether they’re choosing better foods or choosing a career that better suits them.


emotional pain chart that shows the connection between the body and the mind and how our emotions affect our health

CF can help you recognize when that external force has authority over your willpower. We help you strengthen your inner spirit by finding self-control and internal balance with the power of your bones and muscles. 

Congratulations! You’ve worked so hard for so long. Let’s unravel those tight muscles, mobilize your joints and connect you back to you. There’s a lot of memories (good and no so good) wrapped up in your body that need to consciously disconnect from your energy field so you can enjoy the rest of your life. Peace be with you. 

These kids haven’t been here that long to be experiencing physical pain. We help them pay attention to the details of life- if I feel _____, my body feels______. Structural alignment is key with education on proper muscle engagement. Correct the problem now before it escalates into a larger problem. It’s a valuable lifetime tool that can prevent unnecessary accidents and surgeries. 

So much is going on with a teenager: Hormones, physical changes and growth. This is a perfect opportunity to lay the groundwork of the importance of proper foot placement, pelvis position, core connection and overall posture. At such a young age, they can develop good habits, physically while instinctively staying grounded helping to make great decisions in life. The body is powerful to work through to get to the mind. Give your children the gift of movement to teach them personal tools for life. 

This time is to teach the little ones good postural habits, balance and connection to their core at a young age to implant self esteem and grow to be confident big people. **Great for all kids: including children with disorders. 

Whether your baby is a newborn or twenty years old, this program is for you. We teach you how to re-connect with the core of your new self; physically, the deep layer of the abdominals and the pelvic floor while emotionally, the stressors of daily motherhood. The core connection is important to stabilize the spine and give you the support you need to be a mother. We designed this program to educate a mother about her feminine body and strengthen it after the delivery, which is so important for the integrity of the pelvic floor to avoid back problems, incontinence and a prolapsed uterus over the years. Take care of your body, it’s the only one you’ve got.  

 We designed this program for people who have been diagnosed with cancer and received treatment or even in process. Our goal is to take you off the emotional roller coaster and connect you back to your physical body again through the power of movement. We want to flush out the old and rebuild the new you from the ground up.

Let’s open up your body and discover all that is inside that makes you, you! We teach you how to disconnect from emotions that no longer serve you and build a new foundation that has the potential to set you free. 

Regardless of the severity, our aim is to stabilize the central nervous system with the power of movement. We educate core connection, balance and endurance with a unique blend of acknowledging the emotional body. 

“The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.” -Leonardo Da Vinci

Awaken your sole by feeling your feet strike the ground. We teach you the importance of stretching the fascia of your arch and mobilizing the toes with extra special attention to the great toe. We educate the value of strengthening the inner line of the leg- the arch, inside calf muscles, inner thighs and it’s connection through the pelvic floor to the core. This program can potentially save you from future bunion and hammertoe surgeries, collapsed arches and heel spurs. If you see your great toe starting to curve inward or the tops of your toes developing calluses because of hammertoes, even if the pain is minimal, come see us soon. We will connect you to the core of the problem with great understanding so you can walk forward in life with ease. 

Stop feeing so guilty. You did the best you could. Open up your joints and let it go. Let it all go and enjoy the goodness life has to offer. You will learn how to roll through the ankle and maximize it’s range of motion while instinctively rolling though life at your highest potential. 

Hey. Your knees can only take so much. The poor guy is the middle-man between two multi-directional joints, the ankle and the hip. This program teaches you how to open and stabilize the hip and ankle so the knee can do its thing…glide. This will require you to be a bit more mindful while walking and standing and with just a few tweaks your knees can be pain-free and halt the inevitable arthroscopic and knee replacement surgeries. So, let go and learn to be flexible in those knees and maybe even in your life! 

Our hips move us forward in life. It’s when we stop and ask ourselves, “Where am I going in life?”. Then we know, plant our foot in the prints and GO. This program has this philosophy coincided with manual therapy to open the hip, core connection and understanding new movement patterns to preserve the hip. When these two concepts connect, the hip glides and rotates, enjoying it’s new home. 

Whether you don’t have money or you do, you may wonder what it would be like to have more or stress that you may lose it at any moment. Regardless, this emotion sits heavily in the lower back region. Recognize that principle while connecting to the deep abdominals and the lower leg muscles that are in need of power and support. Poof. Gone. 

Your spine needs support just like you do in life. It is important to know how to engage the deep layers of the abdominals and pelvic floor muscles in order to stabilize the vertebrae. And in finding this strength you carry it with you while you walk, sit and even into life. Your spine is the foundation of your body’s frame and needs support from the core-physically and emotionally. This education is truly priceless. 

Unclench your hands and stop restricting the flow of life. Relax. Let your muscles be at ease so the blood and nerve connection can freely move from the neck to the wrist. It needs a little attention and so do you. We have tricks for this one and they are good. 

Gripping on to life? Well, so is your hand to objects and causing pain at the elbow. Twist and turn your shoulder and wrist in a new direction and accept new experiences allowing that elbow to bend with life. 

Whether you have shoulder arthritis, tendinitis, impingement or a dislocation we have to biomechanically correct the faulty posture and plug into those deep stabilizer muscles. You will soon realize that your pain is not a burden, it may have just been your attitude about life. It’s okay…Your shoulder is so forgiving. 

Are you stubborn and inflexible or is it your neck? It’s both! Here’s the deal… you recognize the personal issue and we will help you loosen up your spine and connect to the proper muscles to do their job. In the end, everyone wins…even your pain-free neck. 

Reduce or go up in size? Either way we need to discover your new center. 

Welcome to the new you. Let’s continue the path to health to connecting to you and your body, aligning its structure from the inside out so you can make the best choices for you. 

This program is designed for the individual who has had a surgery-anywhere from carpal tunnel, arthroscopic to total joint replacement. We want to make sure you have achieved full range of motion with proper movement to avoid causing a future problem along the chain. It’s mostly education and it’s worth it. 

Whether your baby is a newborn or twenty years old, this program is for you. We teach you how to re-connect with the core of your new self; physically, the deep layer of the abdominals and the pelvic floor while emotionally, the stressors of daily motherhood. The core connection is important to stabilize the spine and give you the support you need to be a mother. We designed this program to educate a mother about her feminine body and strengthen it after the delivery, which is so important for the integrity of the pelvic floor to avoid back problems, incontinence and a prolapsed uterus over the years. Take care of your body, it’s the only one you have. 

Do your hips hurt? Is your back tight or maybe some feet issues? This is the day in the life of a dancer. Let’s cut the drama, put your foot down, lift your spine and use your powerhouse to establish clean lines. We encourage a good postural foundation and a deep emotional knowing of yourself so you can rock that stage. 

Experiencing a bit of pain during your run? Not enough to go to the doctor, but too much to ignore? We can help you make small corrections to your gait pattern- from the angle of the pelvis and torso to the simple foot strike. Either way, we line you up energetically and physically to generate a steady and balanced pace. 

Learn correct posture while cycling so you can plug into the proper muscles and give the ones a break that are screaming for help. We teach you how to push with the inner line of the leg with a tipped pelvis for a whole new pain-free ride. Enjoy that. 

We typically see neck, back and knee pain with this sport. It can be easily corrected with a simple change of biomechanics. This means you dial your brain into your body, connect your feet to your core strength and voila…focused, pain-free and rippin’. 

This sport is quick and explosive with the body, so hopefully you are conditioned well. This means knowing proper deep hip stretches with sufficient torso rotation and shoulder stabilization. Good tips to keep you out of the operating room. Get c.o.n.n.e.c.t.e.d. 

We won’t teach you how to shoot a hole in one, but we can sure teach you how to move from your hips and torso with stabilized shoulders and a light grip on your club to ensure a connected pain-free swing. 

Let us teach you how to unravel all those poor postural habits that are not serving you and your unique frame. We need to unlock your shoulders and pelvis and allow your spine to fall back into its optimal position: allow the energetic body to meet the physical body to create harmony and just by standing correctly you can watch your body transform right in front of your eyes. 

Learn the proper positioning of the pelvis and how to connect with the deep layers of your abdominals. This work helps to support your spine from head to tail creating a strong foundation for your body. This groundwork opens so many doors to life: from a flat belly to a deeper connection to your soul. You make it yours. Either way, core connection can give you tools that stabilize the entire body saving you from pain at any major joint. Because regardless of the location of one’s pain, it always comes back to core connection. 

Train your body to sit: Our bodies were not made to sit nor stand all day. We need balance. We can teach you specific nerve stretching that is essential to eliminate potential issues with computer use. Proper neck and back positioning with core connection is key to sitting pain-free and ultimately liking your job, or maybe realizing that you don’t and move on to what makes you happy. 

This program has been constructed for the person who has tried everything- medication, injections, surgery and even alternative healthcare. They feel like they need “something else”. It’s an introduction to the emotional and energetic body. Plug in and enjoy the journey. 

What do I wear?

Anything comfortable and easy to move around in.

What’s your cancellation policy?

We require 24 hours before your scheduled appointment to avoid full session payment. 

Why would I need Energy Therapy?

If you have tried several different treatment modalities with no change you may greatly benefit from cleansing your energy. 

What if I can’t afford your services?

We urge you to come in for an evaluation. Let us know your concerns ahead of time and we can give you a home exercise program and self-care tools guiding you towards health. We also offer 30 minute private Pilates, GYROTONIC® and Energy Therapy treatments. 

How often do I need to come?

We believe it takes time to heal. Most of our clients we see once a week for PT or ET and/or use Pilates and/or GYROTONIC® as maintenance. As our client’s progress we like for them to check with us for a tune-up. 

How many sessions will it take to feel better?

Depending whether your pain/problem is acute or chronic, you may feel a difference in one session or with at least a five to ten session series (5-10 consecutive weeks). 

Should I see you after surgery?

We recommend going to traditional PT first if you need to use insurance coverage. After your swelling/edema has subsided we would love to see you in order to prevent bad habits and patterns that got you to surgery in the first place. 

How do you differ from traditional PT?

While we still practice traditional PT we specialize in the root problem and it’s connection to your life’s experience and your physical body.

Can I get reimbursed from my insurance company?

We can supply you with an appropriately coded Superbill only if seen by a Physical Therapist. If you meet the requirements (deductible covered, Prescription, etc…) you may get reimbursed from your insurance company the amount that is allowed for a non-contracted provider. Please call your insurance ahead of time. 

Do you take insurance?

No, we thrive on giving you the utmost care and attention to help attain your goals.

Contact Us

We are located in Long Beach, CA

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We schedule by appointment only.

Cancellation & No-Show Policy

We require 24 hours notice in the event of a cancellation. There will be a full session charge for all prepaid packages, including Physical / Energetic Therapy, Pilates / Gyrotonic® and Bodywork.



PROJECT braincore

PROJECTbraincore engages kids' minds through physical movement for success in school and life!



Finding Health in Your Soul

Can you find health in your soul? How is our physical health related to your mind and soul? in this interview, Gina takes us through a journey into the deepest realm of wellness. Our emotions, thought patterns and spirituality play a central role in curing the incurable diseases.



Gina's Journey & Vision

This video will help you understand the philosophy of Centripetal Force Studio and sister organization, Empowered Health Foundation.




At age 7, Ava began to experience back and knee pain which limited her play. Watch over the course of a year Gina at Centripetal Force Studio helps bring back the bounce in her step.

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We are not talking about physical pounds here. Nope. We are addressing the stuffed feelings and unexpressed emotions within your frame by simply moving your energetic, emotional and physical body to release the dead weight. This approach leaves you feeling your best and looking lighter than ever. Perhaps this is the answer to your weight loss. C'mon, empower yourself. 

Whether it’s your purpose or career path, connection with relationship or sexuality, rebooting your creativity or insight to your pain, CFstudio is your guide. The Archetypal Patterning process connects the dots you have been struggling with most of your life. We got you.  

Centripetal Force Studio brings new energy to physiotherapy. We identify the root of the problem whether it’s visible or not. We believe life’s experiences can get in our way and deposit into our bodies leaving us physically stuck, energetically depleted, mentally spinning and emotionally shut down. Whichever path we decide to take, our mission is to resolve your pain so you can start living the life you’ve imagined.

CFS is putting a slight spin on traditional physiotherapy. We connect you to the core of your body and your life. Our goal is to build strength and health through guided movement and awareness. You will not only understand the root of your pain, but have the tools to prevent further injury. You will feel a connection to your abs and your soul.


The GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® was intuitively designed by Romanian professional dancer, Juliu Horvath to help relieve the chronic pain he suffered from injuries. GYROTONIC® method is a combination of Dance, Yoga, Swimming, and Tai Chi producing the system’s unique three-dimensional approach and fluid movement. The method systematically teaches gentle and repetitive circling, spiraling and undulating exercises, which simultaneously stretch, strengthen and elongate muscles while decompressing joints. The methods' specific attention to breath also assists the body's regenerative capacity and opens energetic pathways, increasing blood flow, oxygenation and promoting neuromuscular rejuvenation. Each exercise emphasizes energetic opposition helping to improve internal balance and support. Through constant ebb-and-flow and push-and-pull of the exercises, the connective tissues are massaged increasing range of motion in the body.


physical therapy gyrotonic

Juliu Horvath, creator of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®

 GYROTONIC®  &  GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® is a registered trademark of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and is used with their permission.


We align, we stretch and we strengthen you to a pain-free body using a combination of Pilates and GYROTONIC® while incorporating manual therapy, energy therapy and modalities such as electrical stimulation, ultrasound and light therapy when needed. You will not only understand the root of your pain and destructive patterns, but will have the tools to prevent further injury. All evaluations are with Gina Calderone, MPT.


Pilates is a method of exercise developed by German-born Joseph Pilates. In 1926, Joseph and Clara Pilates brought their exercise system, originally called “Contrology”, to New York City. The Pilates method is a physical movement program designed to stretch, strengthen, and balance the body. Pilates exercise focuses on postural symmetry, breath control, abdominal strength, spine, pelvis and shoulder stabilization, muscular flexibility, joint mobility and strengthening through the complete range of motion of all joints. Instead of isolating muscle groups, the whole body is trained, integrating the upper and lower extremities with the trunk. Centripetal Force Studio uses Pilates to cultivate the awareness necessary for understanding the body’s messages. We teach and encourage a conscious choice to become aware, joining your mental connection to the core of your emotions, energy;'s a mind and body collaboration.

physical therapy pilates

Joseph H. Pilates

Re-connect to your body.  Get tuned-up.  Feel Fantastic.

Recover from surgery / Prevent injury / Heal from injuries / Connect to You / Get the most out of your workouts / Heal from chronic pain & illness

CFS offers a wide range of treatment packages that have been thoughtfully tailored to address your specific needs.
Find which of our programs is best suited for you. You can search by your core need, your age group and/or your specific condition.

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Centripetal Force has big hopes and dreams to have an influence on healthcare insurance companies to support the emotional / energetic component to physical pain. In the near future we hope to see energetic bodywork, Pilates, GYROTONIC® method and health club memberships included on insurance plans. The more positive client testimonials we have, the more we can present in hopes of change. It’s a two way street between the client and the healthcare practitioner. We want to teach the client how to be responsible for his or her own body; to know how to listen to it, connect their emotional and physical body by explaining what they are

feeling inside. On the other hand, we need physicians to listen to their clients with empathy and prescribe more physical therapy or body movement, even psychology if needed. If the client complies with being healthy, learning about their body and doing exercises, then physicians will not have to overuse medication, injections and surgical procedures. The client has to listen to the practitioner as much as the practitioner needs to listen to the client, both having pride in their work and in themselves. When both have done this, everyone will benefit and the healthcare system will be more efficient.

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We are located in Long Beach, CA

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